October 6, 2022
Our office is open on Monday, Tuesday and Friday between 10.30 and 1.30 and by appointment at other times. To make an appointment, please send an e-mail to paul@paulhipkiss.co.uk or leave a phone message 01884 254726 to receive a prompt response.
April 6, 2020
Those of a certain age, and some a little younger, will have fond memories of the UK’s original “pirate” radio station Radio Caroline. As a long time supporter of the station, Paul Hipkiss Independent Financial Advisers now regularly advertise on the station which continues to this day. Radio Caroline can be heard on the internet […]
November 12, 2019
The management at Woodford have announced that they are to close the business with immediate effect. In consequence, management of the funds run by them is being taken over by new managers. In consequence, it has been decided that the Woodford Equity Income Fund will liquidate the investments held, and the cash value returned to […]
June 24, 2019
The question most asked by clients during annual reviews is “what effect will Brexit have on my investments?” Stock market performance generally reflects the known knowns. In other words it knows the possible outcomes and has valued shares accordingly. It is the known unknowns that cause problems – hard, soft, delayed or no Brexit! Once […]
Neil Woodford’s Equity Income Fund has suspended encashments and additional investments for an as yet unknown period. This follows a period of underperformance by the manager that led to many investors withdrawing their investments. In order to allow for an orderly disposal of investments to meet redemptions, rather than being a distressed seller, the fund […]
November 11, 2016
The new pension freedoms that were introduced in April 2015 have transformed the attraction of saving through pension plans, and introduced significant benefits and flexibility for those approaching retirement. In consequence, we have received a large number of enquiries for help and guidance. In particular, we have arranged flexible draw down plans for a number […]
November 19, 2013
Neil Woodford has decided to leave the company in April next year. He manages the large and hugely successful Perpetual Income and High Income Funds. Neil has been a highly successful fund manager, an industry legend, and has been at Invesco Perpetual for most of his working life. His ability to earn his investors consistently […]