Rule no. 1: never lose money.
Rule no. 2: don’t forget rule number 1
With so many different investment opportunities to consider, taking Independent Financial Advice has never been more important. A few minutes spent discussing your requirements with us can set you on the right road, and of course we are available to review your investments in the years ahead in case changes need to be made.
What are your financial goals? Perhaps you’re looking for capital growth, a regular income, investing at retirement, providing a pension or minimising your tax bill? At the very least, you’ll want to preserve your wealth and make a return in excess of inflation.
Whatever your short, medium and long-term goals, we’re here to help make them a reality. Of course, your personal circumstances are unique, so we tailor our investment advice accordingly. Broadly speaking, this involves four key stages:
- Assessing your financial position – this includes understanding your current circumstances, future plans, goals and appetite for risk.
- Developing a comprehensive plan – one based on robust and rigorous investment principles, such as effective diversification, strategic asset allocation, value for money, and consistent performance.
- Putting your plan into action - we provide a clear timetable of what we will do and by when.
- Staying on track – we can monitor and review your plan regularly, meet with you and provide updates and reports.
Investment companies spend millions of pounds advertising in newspapers and of course they only want to tell you about their past successes and “flavour of the month” investments.
In our experience, people seduced by such promotions often realise too late that “past performance is not a guide to future performance” means what it says! Chasing last year’s best funds can be a recipe for disaster (as investors in technology funds found out in 2000).
Because we are completely independent, we put your interests foremost. A large amount of our time is spent in researching investment funds, their managers, and the companies offering them in order to find the best opportunities for you.
By drawing on our extensive experience and continually monitoring financial markets and products, we aim to add value to your investment purchases.